Tuesday, August 9, 2011

i has a poem for you. (^-^)

         Well,I bet you guys are wondering how camp was.well,..............it was........O-MAZING!!!! XD and I have something I want to share with you guys. (^-^) I thought this up a few nights ago and God just put it on my heart to tell it to you guys.

                                          God's plan is like a game of chess....
                                        I am a pawn just waiting to be moved....
                                            Even when I'm put in a bad spot....
                                                              if I die,...
                           I hope the one behind me will be able to move forward....So,
                             what's your move? 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

excited!!!!! XD

          Right now I'm very excited because camp * Most of you know what i'm talking about,but those of you that don't,it's a youth camp I go to once every year for a week. (>~<) * is 4 days away!!!! XD I remember camp from 2 years ago ....2009..... that was the year I realized that God was TRULY the LORD Jesus Christ.*July 20th around 9pm.* (^.^) That week was also the first time I experienced the drama that most people have for no reason...I tried to get away from it......but~~~ its hard to get away from something that sleeps in the same room as you...if it slept...But me and my best buddys managed though it!!! (^.^) And last years camp was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!! (>o<) but the week went bye soooooo quickly!!!! I  met some new friends last year as well! XD Every year if your in a track you get a T-shirt and a wrist-band! but i lost mine on Thursday morning...(; . ;) So this year I'm making sure I don't loose it!!!! >:D <---determined! Oh,Yeah!!!!,I almost forgot!!! OoO every year during camp on Wednesday night they have a "talent night".This year I'm going to do a song called "I'll Fly Away" by FFH. I'm sooooooooooo nervous... And I hope I can get though it alright......

            P.S. I do not know when I'm leaving for Gainesville.but I will not have internet whale I'm up there....So I'll post some more when I get back! (^~^)   --Correem--

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blair and the Baby!!!! XD

          This picture was taken a while ago in Cedar Key.Anna 'the baby' was only a few months old.She's getting so big! TT-TT They grow up so fast. *sniff *  And that's my oldest sister Blair. :D *Gil walks into the room*  (Hey.Why are you in th corner sulking?) Because I can't see the baby................(Sorry,can't help you there.) Thanks Gil,for your advice............ >:/ ............*sniff * (No problem! :D  )  *pats Colleen's back* Well,Anyway right now I'm at the boat.I started a painting today but didn't finish it......But when it's done I'll put a picture up. :D (So your done crying now......?) Yup! :D ( *sighs* your such a handful......) So what...? Anyway,right now Lumpy is here! XD and I think we're all going to th beach tomorrow.  :D I hope I don't forget my boogie bored...(...phff...) What are you laughing at?....... >:/ (Oh nothing ..... but imagining you falling off the boogie bored and hitting your face first in the ground in funny.Just so you not.) Ha,Ha,that is funny! .................*silence*.................Hey!!!!! D:<

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


    Sooooooooooooooooooooooo,I guess I was tagged and now I get to ask myself 5 random questions.....But there's more!!! XD (Um,what do you mean more?......Colleen.........Why are you staring at me like that?) Because! instead of me asking myself questions I'm going to ask you random questions!!!! HA! HA!! HA!!! And because I made you up,I'm actually asking myself!!!!!! Ha! HA!! HA!!! ..........(Cheater.........>:/....'glares'....)AM NOT!!!!! anyways,here are the random questions!!! XD

1-"Why do you think McDonald's doesn't sell hotdogs?"
( Probably because Burger King didn't come out with it yet...)

2-"If you dug a hole through the center of the earth,and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?"
(Like I know.I'm not an astronaut....)

3-"If a person dies and then springs back to life, do you think they'll get their money back for the coffin?"
(Why do you keep asking questions that I don't know the answers to!?)

4-"Do you think dentists go to other dentists or do they just do it themselves?"
(I'm going to pull a travis answer and say ''yes".....)

And the last one!!!! XD 5-"Do you think you will ever get hit in the head by a baseball?"
(That will have to be a no,because if ether one of us would get hit in the head by a baseball,it would be you.)Oh yeah why is that smarty-pants!?!?!?!? (Because I'm not real.) . . . Oh yeah.......

P.S.By the why i'm leaving tomorrow morning to go to Gainesville,and will be leaving Gainesville Monday morning as far as I know. :D  

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Random picture! :D

        Ummmm,yeah I was looking through my pictures on my computer yesterday and I found this picture...and yes I did take this picture with my camera on less!...(Um,Colleen....What else would you take a picture with?) ...I don't know.(Then why did you-? I don't know ether.....) So to start off my story...(Wait,your going to tell a story?About what?...) About how I got this picture of the snail!!!! DAH!!!! Gil is so clueless most of the time.....(Who are you calling clueless...Nevermind..just tell your story.......)Ok,So it all started when Kyle got a lot of snails and this one climbed to the top of the bucket first so I took a picture of him. :) .....the end. (That's it? really?) yup!

      P.S.please enjoy the picture.The snails name is Gary.Just so you all know.HeHe.......Gil.....Gary.....Their like twins! I mean look at them! They look so much alike! hahahahahahaha!!!!!! (Colleen...............................) Oh look at the time!!!! Got'a run!!! HAHA!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD YAY!!!

So this is how I picture Gil.I imagine him as a 17 year old Blondie with red eyes.he always wears that hat and checker shoes.Sometimes I imagine him as like my older bother but I don't have a older bother.So,yeah...I am soooooooooooooo happy with it! I mean it turned out better then I thought it would! XD So please comment on it and tell me what you think! :D Ummmmmmm.....Now I'm going to randomly ask Gil questions about the bibble!!!! (Did you really just call the BIBLE the BIBBLE?;and why are you giving me a quiz?)No,no,no.I'm the that gets to ask the questions around here! First question! XD -What book of the bibble talks about a dragon?! (Revelation.) DING! DING! correct!!!!! XD Ok,-How many books are in the bibble?! (that's easy,66.and why are you shooting at me?) What!? I didn't know that! I mean........I totally knew that!!!  ... is counting the books..........(Pfff......no you didn't.)Shut up! Next question!!! What dose Psalm 172:6 say! (1-that's a commend not a question and 2-there's only 150 chapters in Psalm.......) .....125.....126.....127...........Colleen is flipping though her bible counting the chapters.

P.S.Please pray for me for I am still sick.....TT-TT......

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The word "update" is not in my dictionary.......

         So,I epic fail on updating...........Well,now that I think bout it I don't really have anything to talk about......( Pfff.....Well,aren't you a useful peace of information....Pfff....)Shut up Gil!!!!!!!! D:<Ummmmmm I know we found out who hit our boat,but their long gone. Um,...I got sick................again............and I thought my days of taking nasty medicine were over.....TT-TT.......Oh the pain........I died. (Get off the floor.Do you want your cold to get worse!...) Nag,nag,nag..........That's all I hear.well,anyway!I woke up today and lost my voice,but it came back. (Ah,yes I had 20 minutes of peace....but then IT came back!) I am not a a IT!!! (Pfff...if you say so...)Grrrrrrrrrr......Uummm.....OH! I forgot! Today I'm going to Gainesville to visit! XD And I have a great idea! (Oh,no...........) I want to draw Gil! XD (Here comes one of you crazy ideas---ME!?) Yes,because I made you up and no one knows what you look like so I'm going to draw you.! >:D <---determined! (Umm,ok fine..) yay!! XD (i know I'll regret this somehow.......)

  P.S.I will show you the drawing in the next post! XD And I ask you one thing! I want to know how you imagine Gil.what does he look like to you? COMMENT!!!!!!

The word "update" is not in my dictionary.......

         So,I epic fail on updating...........Well,now that I think bout it I don't really have anything to talk about......( Pfff.....Well,aren't you a useful peace of information....Pfff....)Shut up Gil!!!!!!!! D:<Ummmmmm I know we found out who hit our boat,but their long gone. Um,...I got sick................again............and I thought my days of taking nasty medicine were over.....TT-TT.......Oh the pain........I died. (Get off the floor.Do you want your cold to get worse!...) Nag,nag,nag..........That's all I hear.well,anyway!I woke up today and lost my voice,but it came back. (Ah,yes I had 20 minutes of peace....but then IT came back!) I am not a a IT!!! (Pfff...if you say so...)Grrrrrrrrrr......Uummm.....OH! I forgot! Today I'm going to Gainesville to visit! XD And I have a great idea! (Oh,no...........) I want to draw Gil! XD (Here comes one of you crazy ideas---ME!?) Yes,because I made you up and no one knows what you look like so I'm going to draw you.! >:D <---determined! (Umm,ok fine..) yay!! XD (i know I'll regret this somehow.......)

  P.S.I will show you the drawing in the next post! XD And I ask you one thing! I want to know how you imagine Gil.what does he look like to you? COMMENT!!!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

So Ohlo to you all. :D

So,hi.....I know I haven't been online in a while but I'm here now! (That's not good enough....) Thanks Gil.......(Your so welcome.) Well,anyway I know the last time I'v talked to you was when I was in Ohio,but right now I'm at the boat.I have been for 4 days now...........and I'v been sick too........I don't like being sick.......... TT-TT Today I feel a lot better though,but my cough got a lot worse....not to mention some boat ran into our boat and now we have to replace a lot of stuff... ''sniff''......like......''sniff''.....my fishing pole......WHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! TToTT I am so.......so sad.............

Thursday, February 10, 2011

plants!!!! XD (small things amuse small minds...)

                                                 this is a cactus!!! XD and it's pink! :O
                                                this is a pond............but i think you know that....
                                          they even had a waterfall!!!! XD it was awesome....
                                         I really want to slid down this tree....but I would brake it...
                                                    this is a cactus tree!!!! it's my favorete! :D
Ummmmm.So today I went to a green house like place  and they had the coolest plants I have ever seen! XD It was awesome! XD And buy the way most of the plants are big! :P (Well then....)So to share my experience....here are some pictures! XD (So by the way Colleen is leaving Ohio tomorrow morning...)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So .....bored.....somebody.....help.(Should I?......NAH....)

yeah! I feel the love Gil! ('Gasp!'I didn't know that you knew that feeling!I'm so proud.).....(Oh man!AHHHHHH!!!!!) Gil!!! (HELP!!!!!) Wait....."stop"............(what?) I forgot the hole point to todays blog............do you remember Gil?....(Ummmmm...nope.....)........"silence".........(Ummmmm...now what?)Ummmmm...........I have no idea.............

                       p.s.this is the shortest blog entry I'v ever done...........

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

CLOTHS!!!!!! XD (blech.............)

So yeah I got cloths today! XD <---so excited.(I'm glad I didn't go.........)What if T told you to go?(that wouldn't work and you know it.)What if I gave you 'the face'?(what fa--NOT THAT FACE!!!Ummm how can I get rid of you....?......Ummmm did you read you bible today!?!)....................."silence".........No..................(th-then g-go do th-that.)fine.but I will get you latter!...(that was so close.......I mean she had the tendense to kill just then........note to self.don't let her make that face ever again........)Gil did you say something?(NOPE!)Ummm...if you say so...(I'm going for a walk....)Wait!(what?)you need your leash!.....hahaha!"colleen is dieing of laughter..."(I'm leaveing..........)Wait!I'll come with you!(NO THANKS!)Well..............did you read your bible Gil?................"stops"............(ummm....well......ya see..........no.......)Get back in here!!!! (Ok..ok..yeash!)

                                 p.s.(always read your bible if you don't want to die.........man she can be scary......)

Monday, February 7, 2011

I am now a geek...................(Sadly...)

Today I went to Walmart and I got a DSi Lg. XD (The newest DS if you were wondering.)And I got the new Pokemon game to go with it! XD (and ever since she got home she won't get off of it.....) Well,what do you expect?(When it comes to you I'm not sure.....) Thanks Gil............that makes me feel like less of a geek....(Your Welcome!!!! :D...)I hate you..............(i know...)So that's all that I need to do today so I'll talk to you all later! :D (You were mad just a second ago....)oh I'm still mad at you......(what do you mea-AHHHHH!!!!!)"and again I chase him around the room..."(SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!)
                                  p.s.I also am leaving ohio on friday.i think....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

FOOD!!!!!!!!! XD (Is that all you think about?)

No,I don't always think about food......(Wait for it...).....Ok...I do most of the time..but.thats not the point! (If thats not the point...then what is the point Colleen?) .......um.......Ok fine! you got me Gil! (Hey,can I get that in writing? )NO!!! (Well then....) Mom!Tell Gil to be quiet! MOM:What are you talking about?Ummmmmmmm.NOTHING!!! "this proves Gil is not real...."(Um,Colleen what are you mumbling to yourself about?)Nothing!!!! Nothing at all!(Ummmm....If you say so...)What does that mean!!! D:< (Wait,Wait,I think I'v hear this one before.)I'm going to kill you...........(Says the person who told me yesterday..."Gil God said not to murder." Wasn't it?)That's so not fair.....(Life's not fair.Because if it was you wouldn't be here right now.)Now,that's just mean!(What?Sorry did you say something? I wasn't paying any attention to you.)GILBERT!!! D:< (Oh no!) "Chases Gil around the room..."(Hey...can't we talk about this!)No way!!!

                                               p.s.No Gil was harmed in this blog.......as far as we know....(Aren't you tiered yet?!) Nope!!! (AH MAN!!!!!SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gil is so boring....(Who are you calling boring?!)

Like I said in the title,Gil is really boring.(For the last time I'm not boring!!! D:<) If you say so....(I'm gona kill her......I'm gona kill her...)Gil,God said not to murder.(Your off the hook.....for now...."I just need to get somebody to do it for me"...<---he's thinking this.......)YAY!!! :D (Speaking of witch did you read your bible today Colleen?)........"silence"............(You completely forgot...didn't you?......)Noooooooooooooooooooo........Yeeeeeesssssssssssss......I'll be back......Wait!!! Did you Mr.smarty-pants!?(I'm glad you asked,yes...yes I did.) What did you read?! (Revelation 12:1-12).........."more silence"....(And you said I was boring...)The truth hurts Gilbert...(Say's the person who won't go 5 feet to get her own lunch...AND I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME GILBERT!!!!) . . . I have no response for that....(That's because I'm smarter then you...)Are not!!!(Just keep reading...)He's so mean to me...."NOTE:Colleen has been reading the bible the hole time....." . . .Well,I'm trying to!.......I mean some people are so noisy! 'cough'Like Gil! 'cough' "Gil's on the other side of the room..."  (I heard that........)No you didn't.(Um...yes I did...)No you didn't.(Fine if you say so..)But you DID hear,don't you remember?(Somebody help me.........)

                       p.s.Gil is a person I made up. :D (That's rght... :) and remember to read the bible!~Gil~)Don't you mean gilbert!Oh!that's funny!(NO!!!!!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

nothing is now everything...

And again,I could not think of a title.......Today I'm not doing anything but my brother is getting a new hair cut and mom's not doing it for once. . . .so I'm watching Kid vs. Kat......and I did not know how funny this show was...........I mean wow....I need food...........but why must it be so far away....(It's not even 5 feet away.....) Oh!but hungr has come upon me! .......(Why me).......ok I'm not that lazy...(Most of the time......)Ok I'm like that a lot of the time,but most people are! (Not really Colleen...)Thank you words in periphrases!!! I'm telling you they (Me...?) hate's me....I wonder if that made any sense to you random people.....Well I'll 'kech-up' with you later!Oh! that was sooooo funny! (what's funny is that you think it's funny....)Thank you Mr. negative!By the way the person that is in periphrases,his name is Gilbert....(but you better call me Gil.) Ok,fine,GILBERT.(colleen I hate you...)yeah right! (I know where you sleep.......)Oh look at the time! I got to go! see you later Gil! "rushes out of the room."(oh well.....see you tomorrow everyone.)
                          p.s.No Colleen was hurt n this blog.......yet.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm sooooooooooooooooo excited!!! XD I'm finely done with the drawing!!! XD So I'm sorry that it took so long for me to update...and my skin tone marker hates me.......(it died on me..) So not cool! D:< Well,anyway this is how it terned out! :D I love you Jesuschick13!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

when I get back to Florida! >:D (oh no.....)

 So I was thinking what I was going to do when I get back to Florida.(ever if I'm only going to be there for a week....) I know I'm going to play LOTS of soccer! XD <---fan-girl mode...I think I'll also do something else.....but I don't know what yet.......hmmmmmmmm........yup! ...nothing comes to mind at all......Well,ever since I was little I'v wondered what it would be like if I had a twin.For some reason I think if I did have a twin it would be a girl,and I don't know why...I wonder if she would need glasses like me.(yes I ware glasses...is that a problem?...that's what I thought.No I'm just kidding.haha! I love you guys! :D) But,I just got my glasses about a few months ago.....on my 13th b-day,and it turns out that I have lazy eye in my right eye and the doctor said that my eye won't get better because I'm to old for exercises....TT-TT <--so sad....Well,anyway! I kind of wish that I did have a twin......teehee....I think if the twin was a boy that he would be over-protective for some reason.........Now that would be funny! haha!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Now what am I going t talk about.....ummmmmmm........man...still nothing! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! ummmm.....   . . .   so yeah and stuff...I have no idea what to do today......ummmmmm....I GOT IT!!!!!!! >:D (<---this is the "YES!!!" face...just so you know...) OK! I need YOU to give ME something to draw! :D I just need you (the random people.) to tell me something to draw and I'll draw it and put it up here on my blog! :D

                          p.s.Just comment what you want me to draw. Oh! and the first one to comment and tell's me what they want me to draw wins! :D 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shopping is more difficult then you think....

   So today I went shopping with mom,Brett,and grandma berger.(berger is a nickname...)We went to three different malls and came home with nothing.....We had Stack N Shake for lunch!  :D (and it was so good TT-TT <--tears of joy.)Not to mention I just had pizza for dinner.(and that was also VERY good.)All the mall's we went to were huge! O: I mean their all bigger then the oaks mall! (the mall I go to in Florida)Yeah,I'm still in Ohio.....I know it's sad...D: At the moment I'm having Mt.Dew.oh yeah. :) that's right,in your face Katie.(<---Katie is best buddy with the bass.Just to point that out.:D) Oh!That's right! I have over 100 veiws! :D So thanks for looking at my blog and I hope you like what you see.This is the verse for today! :D     So they said,"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and you will be saved,you and your household." Acts 16:31.This is the first verse I ever read when I first got saved 2 years ago.It's also my favorite verse. :D Funny I'm writing verse's down and everyone else is watching SYFY movies............(the kaken.)............how fun does that sound! . . . not that fun to me........

               p.s.please comment and tell me what you like about it. :D

Friday, January 28, 2011

pointless things. :D

Today for bratfest I'm having somthing so good that I almost never have it! I'm having....................(pressure)............... cereal. O: <---gasp! Ok,your right I normally have cereal all the time......unless mom doesn't bye it...then I'm sad.Well,today is not a day to be sad! >:D  <---determined...to do what? I have no idea.....Ummm,well,I'm still in Ohio (I miss my buddy's! TT-TT <---sadness) and I think I might do some art stuff today (oil pastels) and get off the computer for a little while.But,I'll do that latter.Oh! Um,when I looked at the blog last.(a minute ago...) I had over 80 viewers today! :D <---existed! What?...I like watching my views go up.thank you.Well,I feel a lot better today.(because of my cold...)Oh! I also need to take a shower sometime today...don! Don!! DON!!! <---(what!? hey!that's not funny!!!) D:< . . .  <--angry......so not fair.....but like they say 'life isn't fair'.hmmmmmmmmm.....what am I going to eat for lunch?....(ponder).....Oh! that's right.........I'm having leftovers...........how fun......:P......I mean that sounds wonderful! :) (help mom's here....scary)Wow,these are pointless things...Awesome!!! :D
          p.s.I'll post every day so be prepared for what's coming!!! >:D <3 ya! Oh,and if you want leave some comments please! :D

Thursday, January 27, 2011

epic awesome-ness! :D

 So,yeah I could not think of a title...Well,my family is probably the weirdest people I know...ok you got me...my  friends are weirder.Right now my mom and Brett (sister) are watching the princess bride.I have a friend who hates this movie...and his name is!...a name i will not mention! (*cough* Wes *cough*)Did I mention that I have a cold...cause I do...he...he...Ummmmm..... I look at the TV and I see a giant rat?! oh no! it's trying to eat Wesley! teehee ....it died......Well,anyway! I want to play the bass but I can't because I'm in Ohio and I don't own a bass I just play my best buddys.TT-TT<--and so I am sad.but that's ok! :D way is it ok? I don't really know! :D I want to draw something but i don't know what...........(ponder).............I got it! >:D I have to draw something for Brett!(and again sister......she is as far as i know,anyway . . .)So I guess I'll work on that.
                      <3 ya! :D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

yay!!! a blog! :D ...i'm new at this...

So,I'm new at this and I'm not sure if I'll get this right...but I'll try! >:D <---determined.
My name is colleen and I live on a sail boat.Like i said I love to draw and I'll probably put some pictures up,....when i can.....Right now I'm in Ohio visiting my grandpa on my mother's side.It's frizzing out side and I got a cold...(as expected from me...) Whale having a cold i realized that the worst thing is that i can't play soccer...TT-TT <---sad...(not that I can play soccer anyway with all the snow outside...)Well,at any rate I can  still eat what ever I want! :D ( no....not really...)