Wednesday, May 9, 2012

FAIL OTL~.....

         Ok,So I fail at uploading stuff......we all know this...Anyway, I know that I haven't posted anything in a month and a half....., but I do have a good reason! (^-^) yeah thats right, a reason....get over it.... I've been busy with stuff, like last week I went to a three day anime convention and sold my artwork. (>~<) I paid 50$ for the table, and made 60$ the whole three days. (^-^) So,its safe to say it went ok. And also!~~~ >:D Thats right! I have more! I FINALLY made my DeviantART,and put some of my artwork on their! (^-^) So, please come and see! (^.^)

            Here's the link:
                                                                                       Love you guys! <3

Sunday, April 1, 2012

always stuck with the guys...

                   So,I've noticed that in my family,every time the guys go somewhere and the girls go somewhere, I end up with the guys. Like today, for example, I went to the moves with my Grandpa, Kyle, Gage, and Garrett......We went and saw Journey 2 the mysterious island. It was pretty awesome. I wish we saw it in 3D so I could keep the glasses and pop the lens out so I could wear them. Even though I already wear glasses.....Anyway, the hole point of this post is that I have to conplain to you people that I'm somehow always stuck with the guys. I just don't get it........Now that I think about it, youth camp last year in my track was me and four guys..........see!?  Always!

         P.S. Do you ever get stuck in a gruop you wuoldn't expect to be in?

Saturday, March 31, 2012


          I need help......but for you to know why I'm going to have to tell the story from the beginning.

                                       So it all started at Grandma Berger's birthday party... The party went very well,untill "elvis" showed up. (*-*)  Ok,so my Great Ant Sherry decited  to hire "elvis",you know,because the party's theme was the 'family tree'........yeah, I don't get it....Anyway,This "elvis" sang for over an hour and I thought my ear drums were going to pop from annoyance......Also "elvis" had like 50 thousond scarfs (not really...) and he 'gave' them to ALL the ladys.....and when I said 'gave' I ment wraping them around their necks and dancing with them... I tried to hide ooutside but my uncle domanick found me and CARRIED me to IT!!!!!("elvis") After a FULL SONG OF TORCHER people came up to me and said that I was a good sport.......I didn't like "elvis" if you couldn't tell. He was a big creeper......and now I'm at hmoe with Kyle(12),Gage(12),and garrett(7)......and this is why I need help.   (x_x;)

                    P.S. Are there times when you want to punch "elvis" too?

Friday, March 30, 2012


Yeah,I skipped another week...but in my defence alot has happened. And again I will do this in list form! >:D

       Thursday (March 22) --- Me,Mom,Dad,and Kyle,around 5:30 pm,went to the "jiffy store" (its a gas station...) to hand out flyers for the "commonity give away" at church.Witch happened on Saterday March 24. The hand out went very good.We gave out all 50 flyers. WOOOO~~~~HOOOO~~~~ XD Oh,yeah,when we were handing out flyers we had to stand without leaning on anything and we had to make shore we weren't standing under THEM.......The.......poisonous caterpillars.......Dx  their E~V~I~L!!!!! if you get stung by one that part of your body will go I said...their EVIL!

       Friday-Saterday (March 23-24)~~~So,of course I had art class. :D then I went into town with my sister Blair and the baby. It was fun. Then Me,skates,and Liz went to a best buddy's 16th Birthday sleep over party. xD It was so much fun! I met new frends and I had SO~~~~ much fun!!! (>~<) Yes,I said that twice. After the sleep over,I went back to skates house with skates and Liz. As far as the "commonity give away" at church.....I wasn't their....but I herd it went very well. ^^

       Sunday (March 25)---Ummmmmmmmmmmm,it was a normal Sunday. Sunday school,helped in childrens church, did nothing at the church all day, did music for the kids class on Suday night. Oh! we did get some new people come from the "commonity give away" ! ^.^ a boy about Kyles age,a 16 year old girl, a little boy around 2,and three adults. XD And I packed when I got home....

       Monday (March 26) ~~~ Ok, the reason I packed was becuase I'm in Ohio....I was supposed to blog and tell you but.......that didn't happen. So,Monday was the trip to is almost exactly 14 hours a car.....with mom and Kyle.....and somehow I convinced Kyle to sit up frunt. So I got the back seat all to myself. ^^

       Tuesday (March 27)---I slept......Thats all I remember....

       Wensday (March 28)~~~ Ummmmm,Watched TV with Grandma Berger (my great gandmather) All day. Becuase I have to keep her busy when mom's gone planning for her 90th surprise birthday party.
        Thursday (Yesterday March 29)---Ok,so Grandma Berger's birthday is really on the 29th,but the surprise party is on Saterday.

        Friday (March 30) ~~~ So,Kyle got his Game Cube......and I promesed I'd play with I'll Hope that I don't die and get to talk to you tomorrow.

                                P.S. Have you guys ever played Monkey Ball before? Or maybe a Game Cube?


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


            I really didn't do anything in paticular.....('.') Woke up did school, mom and dad went to the store came back and then left again because dad pulled his rip (again....) and they had to go to the chiropractor.(-.-)He's fine now though.(^,^) I finished reading a fanfiction I've been reading for the past few days.(>~<) Ummmm, didn't go anywhere so...(=.=)....(As I was just thinking about what to write) Mom came in and said in about 20 minites we were going to watch Castle. xD It's an Awesome TV show me and my family watch.(^-^) At the moment I'm lisening to Fireflight.(`.`) I love them. I also like putting faces on the end of every sentense. (>.<) HaHa. So,Yeah,as I've said before I didn't really do anything today.(-.-;)I'm glad that I was able to talk to you guys today! (= ~ =) Hope I'll talk to you tomorrow! (#.#) <---If you look at this face closely in the eyes it looks like a cat stratchs its eyes......random thought of the day....
                           P.S. what band are you lissoning to?  (*~*) 

Monday, March 19, 2012

the past two weeks have been......

                BUSY! So much has happened in the last two weeks and I haven't been able to write ANYTHING!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing.......TT-TT......but to tell you whats going on,I'm going to do it in a list form. :O

      Two Sundays ago (March 4)---Went to friends house (one of the youth that only come every so often) and we played basketball,and planted a garden,and she gave me a pair of overalls! XD (I don't know why but i love them so much.) and you know,we had church and stuff to. C:

      Monday (march 5)---..............I don't know.......

      Tuesday to Thursday (March 6-8) ~~~Went to one of my best buddys houses because our moms were making my sisters wedding cake. ^~^ cake top is good....................Anyway! (my mind got distracted by the thought of cake.) We had lots of fun! ^^

     Friday (March 9)~~~ We had the rehersule dinner for the wedding. It went very well in my opinoian. ^-^

     Saterday (March 10)--- That was the day my sister got married! XD We got at the church at like 11am to get ready and we were doing the brides hair 20 minites before it started.But it went very well and i'm very happy for my sister.

     Last Sunday (March 11)~~~It was kind of lonely becuase their were no youth but it went good.

     Monday to Wensday (March 12-14)--- So~~~~~ Me,mom,dad,and kyle went on a "mini vacation" (as my parents called it) and we went to the boat. monday we left around 9am and got their around 11am,so I spent the day Trying to cetch some bait,so I could go fishing! but I only got one little pin fish,my clothes soaked,and a brused pride.Tusday we all went and got ice cream.And after that we went to a bunch of thift stores. (Mostly to find kyle some new clothes...) I tryed to find a pocket watch,but didn't find any for me.And Wensday we got up at 9am to go fishing,but I didn't catch anything.and the sun was so hot,and the sky was clear so I got sun berned......TT-TT..... around 1pm we left and went strait to the church for wensday night bible study.
     Thursday (March 15)~~~ I did school.and then went to sleep. My sun bern wasn't to bad but it still hurt.

     Friday (March 16)--- I went to art class and then went to the church,because we have game night every firday.

     Saterday (March 17)~~~ I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!!!!!!! I've been siting here for like 10 minites and still can't remember!!! You would think I would remember sence it was only TWO DAYS AGO! but no~~~! I can't.......

     Yesterday (Sunday,March 18)--- Went to church.Still no youth but I have faith that some will come soon. ^^ We had a REALLY good lunch,and me and mom went to the library I got two movies and two mangas,I was looking for music or art books but none seemed to cetch my eye.Then went back and had evening services.Mom and dad were having a VERY long conversation with some people from church afterwords so we staied their almost all night.(till 11pm) During that time kyle and me were outside.He looked for toads and I looked at the stars.

     Today (Monday,March 19) Today i woke up got a shower and did some school. Then I ate and we all left to go eat (Again...) Then went to see my sister brett and her new house.(you know,my sister who is now married and stuff C:) After that we came to the church because mom and dad had meetings tonight.

                 So,yeah,see,i have been a little busy. Hope i'll be able to talk to you tomorrow! :D 

                     P.S. PLEASE comment and tell me if you were looking at the stars last night.
                                                Because I'm nosiy and wunt to know. ;)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nothin' Much...

         When I said, "Nothin' Much" I meant it. Nothin' Much happened today. I got up and did my bible study and school (as usual). Then mom, dad, Kyle (little brother), and me went to meet lumpy to get the tuxes for the wedding. (for those of you that don't know,Lumpy is the guy my sister is marring. ;D ) That's when me and mom went to the thrift store next door. After all the tux stuff we all when to Akins to eat dinner.....Man,was it good...Yum. Anyway, Now I'm at the church and talking to you guys. See? Nothin' Much at all. And I'm so sad because it was dark by the time we got to church so now I can't play sad. Oh! I got a new glass (small) sprite bottle to put next to all the other glass soda bottles I strangely collect! :D . . . Yeah, . . . Anyway! Even though I didn't do much today, I still had a fun day. Talk to you tomorrow, and hope you had a fun day!

        P.S. Comment,and tell me what you think is fun. ;)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Informing You.

        So today.......This morning,we went to the gem....I did school, and we went straight to the church,and got their around noon. I watched TV for an hour and a half.(the food) Then I went outside and played basketball.(Yes our church has a basketball hoop. and its Awesome. :D ) The weather was a little hot today,but it was cloudy and their was a soft breeze. It was nice,so after hoop practice, I took a nice walk. The church owns a lot of land. Church was good. And now I'm home talking to you guys, Well,my bed awaits~ :D Talk to you tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So what's been happen'in?

    It's been busy. My dad has become paster at a church. Their is only two youth my age that come,and they both live far from the church and don't get to come all the time. But I think i'll be ok. Oh, Theirs also the fact that my older -but not oldest- sister is getting married next month. ^.^ Um, my niece turned 1 last december. ~shes so cute~ ^~^  Ahhhhhhhh, lets see.........what, Oh! I'm hopefuly going to volunteer at an animal sanctuary near the church. The lady called back so her and mom talked about it and she said that their might be a few things I can do ,like, playing with the baby emus,(if they don't interact with people when their young they'll grow up mean...VERY mean...) and they take in stray or ingured cats that always want attention. So she said that she'll talk about it with her husband and get back to me. So I really hope I can volunteer their. Thats all I can think of at the moment, So yeah, things have been diferent.