Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So what's been happen'in?

    It's been busy. My dad has become paster at a church. Their is only two youth my age that come,and they both live far from the church and don't get to come all the time. But I think i'll be ok. Oh, Theirs also the fact that my older -but not oldest- sister is getting married next month. ^.^ Um, my niece turned 1 last december. ~shes so cute~ ^~^  Ahhhhhhhh, lets see.........what else........um, Oh! I'm hopefuly going to volunteer at an animal sanctuary near the church. The lady called back so her and mom talked about it and she said that their might be a few things I can do ,like, playing with the baby emus,(if they don't interact with people when their young they'll grow up mean...VERY mean...) and they take in stray or ingured cats that always want attention. So she said that she'll talk about it with her husband and get back to me. So I really hope I can volunteer their. Thats all I can think of at the moment, So yeah, things have been diferent.


  1. I really hope you are able to go and volunteer! :)

  2. Be careful, i hear emus mean all the time. :P

  3. I do to JesusChick.and yeah i know sparky,my mom used to take care of them at a farm she worked at when she was younger.
