Monday, March 19, 2012

the past two weeks have been......

                BUSY! So much has happened in the last two weeks and I haven't been able to write ANYTHING!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing.......TT-TT......but to tell you whats going on,I'm going to do it in a list form. :O

      Two Sundays ago (March 4)---Went to friends house (one of the youth that only come every so often) and we played basketball,and planted a garden,and she gave me a pair of overalls! XD (I don't know why but i love them so much.) and you know,we had church and stuff to. C:

      Monday (march 5)---..............I don't know.......

      Tuesday to Thursday (March 6-8) ~~~Went to one of my best buddys houses because our moms were making my sisters wedding cake. ^~^ cake top is good....................Anyway! (my mind got distracted by the thought of cake.) We had lots of fun! ^^

     Friday (March 9)~~~ We had the rehersule dinner for the wedding. It went very well in my opinoian. ^-^

     Saterday (March 10)--- That was the day my sister got married! XD We got at the church at like 11am to get ready and we were doing the brides hair 20 minites before it started.But it went very well and i'm very happy for my sister.

     Last Sunday (March 11)~~~It was kind of lonely becuase their were no youth but it went good.

     Monday to Wensday (March 12-14)--- So~~~~~ Me,mom,dad,and kyle went on a "mini vacation" (as my parents called it) and we went to the boat. monday we left around 9am and got their around 11am,so I spent the day Trying to cetch some bait,so I could go fishing! but I only got one little pin fish,my clothes soaked,and a brused pride.Tusday we all went and got ice cream.And after that we went to a bunch of thift stores. (Mostly to find kyle some new clothes...) I tryed to find a pocket watch,but didn't find any for me.And Wensday we got up at 9am to go fishing,but I didn't catch anything.and the sun was so hot,and the sky was clear so I got sun berned......TT-TT..... around 1pm we left and went strait to the church for wensday night bible study.
     Thursday (March 15)~~~ I did school.and then went to sleep. My sun bern wasn't to bad but it still hurt.

     Friday (March 16)--- I went to art class and then went to the church,because we have game night every firday.

     Saterday (March 17)~~~ I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!!!!!!! I've been siting here for like 10 minites and still can't remember!!! You would think I would remember sence it was only TWO DAYS AGO! but no~~~! I can't.......

     Yesterday (Sunday,March 18)--- Went to church.Still no youth but I have faith that some will come soon. ^^ We had a REALLY good lunch,and me and mom went to the library I got two movies and two mangas,I was looking for music or art books but none seemed to cetch my eye.Then went back and had evening services.Mom and dad were having a VERY long conversation with some people from church afterwords so we staied their almost all night.(till 11pm) During that time kyle and me were outside.He looked for toads and I looked at the stars.

     Today (Monday,March 19) Today i woke up got a shower and did some school. Then I ate and we all left to go eat (Again...) Then went to see my sister brett and her new house.(you know,my sister who is now married and stuff C:) After that we came to the church because mom and dad had meetings tonight.

                 So,yeah,see,i have been a little busy. Hope i'll be able to talk to you tomorrow! :D 

                     P.S. PLEASE comment and tell me if you were looking at the stars last night.
                                                Because I'm nosiy and wunt to know. ;)


  1. This blog post made me smile!! :) I miss you buddy, and I wish that you were not so lonely at church :( We will hang out again soon! (In which I will prpbably be sick and we will again be eating cake top xD) I love you! And to admit, I did not look at the stars last night.. but I am right now :)

  2. i'm glad it made you smile. I miss you too,and I hope I'll be able to see you soon.(and that your not sick ;) but i do hope that theirs cake top. XD) I love you too! I'm so prude of you for looking at them. ;) hahaha

  3. Actually, I did look at the stars yesterday, (not for long,) we were riding bikes at the beginning of the night.

  4. Oooooo~~bike rides! sounds fun! (^,^)
