Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nothin' Much...

         When I said, "Nothin' Much" I meant it. Nothin' Much happened today. I got up and did my bible study and school (as usual). Then mom, dad, Kyle (little brother), and me went to meet lumpy to get the tuxes for the wedding. (for those of you that don't know,Lumpy is the guy my sister is marring. ;D ) That's when me and mom went to the thrift store next door. After all the tux stuff we all when to Akins to eat dinner.....Man,was it good...Yum. Anyway, Now I'm at the church and talking to you guys. See? Nothin' Much at all. And I'm so sad because it was dark by the time we got to church so now I can't play sad. Oh! I got a new glass (small) sprite bottle to put next to all the other glass soda bottles I strangely collect! :D . . . Yeah, . . . Anyway! Even though I didn't do much today, I still had a fun day. Talk to you tomorrow, and hope you had a fun day!

        P.S. Comment,and tell me what you think is fun. ;)


  1. missed the point...i asked what you THINK is fun. SOOOOO~~~~?????

  2. uuh... Drawing, playing music, and being with my friends.
