Friday, March 30, 2012


Yeah,I skipped another week...but in my defence alot has happened. And again I will do this in list form! >:D

       Thursday (March 22) --- Me,Mom,Dad,and Kyle,around 5:30 pm,went to the "jiffy store" (its a gas station...) to hand out flyers for the "commonity give away" at church.Witch happened on Saterday March 24. The hand out went very good.We gave out all 50 flyers. WOOOO~~~~HOOOO~~~~ XD Oh,yeah,when we were handing out flyers we had to stand without leaning on anything and we had to make shore we weren't standing under THEM.......The.......poisonous caterpillars.......Dx  their E~V~I~L!!!!! if you get stung by one that part of your body will go I said...their EVIL!

       Friday-Saterday (March 23-24)~~~So,of course I had art class. :D then I went into town with my sister Blair and the baby. It was fun. Then Me,skates,and Liz went to a best buddy's 16th Birthday sleep over party. xD It was so much fun! I met new frends and I had SO~~~~ much fun!!! (>~<) Yes,I said that twice. After the sleep over,I went back to skates house with skates and Liz. As far as the "commonity give away" at church.....I wasn't their....but I herd it went very well. ^^

       Sunday (March 25)---Ummmmmmmmmmmm,it was a normal Sunday. Sunday school,helped in childrens church, did nothing at the church all day, did music for the kids class on Suday night. Oh! we did get some new people come from the "commonity give away" ! ^.^ a boy about Kyles age,a 16 year old girl, a little boy around 2,and three adults. XD And I packed when I got home....

       Monday (March 26) ~~~ Ok, the reason I packed was becuase I'm in Ohio....I was supposed to blog and tell you but.......that didn't happen. So,Monday was the trip to is almost exactly 14 hours a car.....with mom and Kyle.....and somehow I convinced Kyle to sit up frunt. So I got the back seat all to myself. ^^

       Tuesday (March 27)---I slept......Thats all I remember....

       Wensday (March 28)~~~ Ummmmm,Watched TV with Grandma Berger (my great gandmather) All day. Becuase I have to keep her busy when mom's gone planning for her 90th surprise birthday party.
        Thursday (Yesterday March 29)---Ok,so Grandma Berger's birthday is really on the 29th,but the surprise party is on Saterday.

        Friday (March 30) ~~~ So,Kyle got his Game Cube......and I promesed I'd play with I'll Hope that I don't die and get to talk to you tomorrow.

                                P.S. Have you guys ever played Monkey Ball before? Or maybe a Game Cube?