Thursday, February 24, 2011

So Ohlo to you all. :D

So,hi.....I know I haven't been online in a while but I'm here now! (That's not good enough....) Thanks Gil.......(Your so welcome.) Well,anyway I know the last time I'v talked to you was when I was in Ohio,but right now I'm at the boat.I have been for 4 days now...........and I'v been sick too........I don't like being sick.......... TT-TT Today I feel a lot better though,but my cough got a lot worse....not to mention some boat ran into our boat and now we have to replace a lot of stuff... ''sniff''''sniff'' fishing pole......WHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! TToTT I am sad.............

Thursday, February 10, 2011

plants!!!! XD (small things amuse small minds...)

                                                 this is a cactus!!! XD and it's pink! :O
                                                this is a pond............but i think you know that....
                                          they even had a waterfall!!!! XD it was awesome....
                                         I really want to slid down this tree....but I would brake it...
                                                    this is a cactus tree!!!! it's my favorete! :D
Ummmmm.So today I went to a green house like place  and they had the coolest plants I have ever seen! XD It was awesome! XD And buy the way most of the plants are big! :P (Well then....)So to share my are some pictures! XD (So by the way Colleen is leaving Ohio tomorrow morning...)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So I?......NAH....)

yeah! I feel the love Gil! ('Gasp!'I didn't know that you knew that feeling!I'm so proud.).....(Oh man!AHHHHHH!!!!!) Gil!!! (HELP!!!!!) Wait....."stop"............(what?) I forgot the hole point to todays you remember Gil?....(Ummmmm...nope.....)........"silence".........( what?)Ummmmm...........I have no idea.............

                       p.s.this is the shortest blog entry I'v ever done...........

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

CLOTHS!!!!!! XD (blech.............)

So yeah I got cloths today! XD <---so excited.(I'm glad I didn't go.........)What if T told you to go?(that wouldn't work and you know it.)What if I gave you 'the face'?(what fa--NOT THAT FACE!!!Ummm how can I get rid of you....?......Ummmm did you read you bible today!?!)....................."silence".........No..................(th-then g-go do th-that.)fine.but I will get you latter!...(that was so close.......I mean she had the tendense to kill just then........note to self.don't let her make that face ever again........)Gil did you say something?(NOPE!)Ummm...if you say so...(I'm going for a walk....)Wait!(what?)you need your leash!.....hahaha!"colleen is dieing of laughter..."(I'm leaveing..........)Wait!I'll come with you!(NO THANKS!)Well..............did you read your bible Gil?................"stops"............(ummm....well......ya back in here!!!! (Ok..ok..yeash!)

                                 p.s.(always read your bible if you don't want to she can be scary......)

Monday, February 7, 2011

I am now a geek...................(Sadly...)

Today I went to Walmart and I got a DSi Lg. XD (The newest DS if you were wondering.)And I got the new Pokemon game to go with it! XD (and ever since she got home she won't get off of it.....) Well,what do you expect?(When it comes to you I'm not sure.....) Thanks Gil............that makes me feel like less of a geek....(Your Welcome!!!! :D...)I hate you..............(i know...)So that's all that I need to do today so I'll talk to you all later! :D (You were mad just a second ago....)oh I'm still mad at you......(what do you mea-AHHHHH!!!!!)"and again I chase him around the room..."(SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!)
                                  p.s.I also am leaving ohio on friday.i think....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

FOOD!!!!!!!!! XD (Is that all you think about?)

No,I don't always think about food......(Wait for it...).....Ok...I do most of the time..but.thats not the point! (If thats not the point...then what is the point Colleen?) fine! you got me Gil! (Hey,can I get that in writing? )NO!!! (Well then....) Mom!Tell Gil to be quiet! MOM:What are you talking about?Ummmmmmmm.NOTHING!!! "this proves Gil is not real...."(Um,Colleen what are you mumbling to yourself about?)Nothing!!!! Nothing at all!(Ummmm....If you say so...)What does that mean!!! D:< (Wait,Wait,I think I'v hear this one before.)I'm going to kill you...........(Says the person who told me yesterday..."Gil God said not to murder." Wasn't it?)That's so not fair.....(Life's not fair.Because if it was you wouldn't be here right now.)Now,that's just mean!(What?Sorry did you say something? I wasn't paying any attention to you.)GILBERT!!! D:< (Oh no!) "Chases Gil around the room..."(Hey...can't we talk about this!)No way!!!

                                               p.s.No Gil was harmed in this far as we know....(Aren't you tiered yet?!) Nope!!! (AH MAN!!!!!SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gil is so boring....(Who are you calling boring?!)

Like I said in the title,Gil is really boring.(For the last time I'm not boring!!! D:<) If you say so....(I'm gona kill her......I'm gona kill her...)Gil,God said not to murder.(Your off the hook.....for now...."I just need to get somebody to do it for me"...<---he's thinking this.......)YAY!!! :D (Speaking of witch did you read your bible today Colleen?)........"silence"............(You completely forgot...didn't you?......)Noooooooooooooooooooo........Yeeeeeesssssssssssss......I'll be back......Wait!!! Did you Mr.smarty-pants!?(I'm glad you asked,yes...yes I did.) What did you read?! (Revelation 12:1-12).........."more silence"....(And you said I was boring...)The truth hurts Gilbert...(Say's the person who won't go 5 feet to get her own lunch...AND I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME GILBERT!!!!) . . . I have no response for that....(That's because I'm smarter then you...)Are not!!!(Just keep reading...)He's so mean to me...."NOTE:Colleen has been reading the bible the hole time....." . . .Well,I'm trying to!.......I mean some people are so noisy! 'cough'Like Gil! 'cough' "Gil's on the other side of the room..."  (I heard that........)No you didn't.(Um...yes I did...)No you didn't.(Fine if you say so..)But you DID hear,don't you remember?(Somebody help me.........)

                       p.s.Gil is a person I made up. :D (That's rght... :) and remember to read the bible!~Gil~)Don't you mean gilbert!Oh!that's funny!(NO!!!!!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

nothing is now everything...

And again,I could not think of a title.......Today I'm not doing anything but my brother is getting a new hair cut and mom's not doing it for once. . . .so I'm watching Kid vs. Kat......and I did not know how funny this show was...........I mean wow....I need food...........but why must it be so far away....(It's not even 5 feet away.....) Oh!but hungr has come upon me! .......(Why me).......ok I'm not that lazy...(Most of the time......)Ok I'm like that a lot of the time,but most people are! (Not really Colleen...)Thank you words in periphrases!!! I'm telling you they (Me...?) hate's me....I wonder if that made any sense to you random people.....Well I'll 'kech-up' with you later!Oh! that was sooooo funny! (what's funny is that you think it's funny....)Thank you Mr. negative!By the way the person that is in periphrases,his name is Gilbert....(but you better call me Gil.) Ok,fine,GILBERT.(colleen I hate you...)yeah right! (I know where you sleep.......)Oh look at the time! I got to go! see you later Gil! "rushes out of the room."(oh well.....see you tomorrow everyone.)
                          p.s.No Colleen was hurt n this blog.......yet.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm sooooooooooooooooo excited!!! XD I'm finely done with the drawing!!! XD So I'm sorry that it took so long for me to update...and my skin tone marker hates me.......(it died on me..) So not cool! D:< Well,anyway this is how it terned out! :D I love you Jesuschick13!!!!