Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Adventures of Ed and Luci: Episode one

So I have this series going...the Adventures of Ed and Luci! Yay! I've been wanting to share them with you~ Ed and Luci are characters made by me and Words According~ There's the link to her blog:

I wrote this a couple of years ago. xD So just keep that in mind as you read. Also, all these stories are completely random. So like this one is about a ranch, but the next one is about outer space, no relation at all between them. xD Just warning you.

At any rate...Enjoy episode one!

                                                                    What? A Ranch?

Ed and Luci were twins. They lived in a small apartment with two rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Both being nineteen without their parents around gave them almost nothing to do.

Besides look for a job.

At the moment, Luci was looking online for any open positions around town. Luci was about 5.8 feet tall, had long red hair, and hazel eyes. She noticed an add that said ‘help wanted’ on the homepage of a website for a ranch close by.

She looked over at her brother that was on the couch reading another one of his books. “Hey, I found one! Come and see!” She said twisting in her chair.

He glanced away from his book to her, and got up to see. He was tall, about 6.0, with black shaggy hair that was always in his face, and bright blue eyes. He leaned over to read the add. “So? Do you think we should go and check it out?” He looked at the laptop screen like it was going to eat him. “A ranch?” He said uncomfortably.

Luci looked up at him happily. “Yep! It says that we can both go in tomorrow if we are interested, and it pays enough to pay our rent every month!” He looked at her with a disgusted face. “But..a ranch..?” He complained.

“Yes, Yes, you have to work with animals, no one cares.” She exclaimed. He gave her a distasteful look. “Come on, it won’t be that bad!” She said as she got up to get ready for bed. Ed looked at the clock. It said 11:58 pm. He groaned, picked up his book, and went to bed.

The next morning came and Ed and Luci were right outside the ranch gate. ‘Wow!~.” Luci exclaimed, looking at the giant gate in front of them. Ed didn't really care, but he thought it was funny that she was so excited about working around a bunch of cows.

They walked inside the house that was there on the ranch. There was an old woman sitting in the kitchen. She looked and smiled at them because she knew exactly what they were there for. “Um, we’re here because of the 'help wanted' add.” Ed explained.

The old woman nodded her head and pointed out the window. “Yes, my husband is out in the barn. Please go see him about your positions.” Ed and Luci looked at each other and went out to the barn.
The barn was bright red like it was just painted yesterday, but still had the structure of an old fashion southern barn. They walked in and found an old man feeding the horses. He was as southern as the barn he was standing in. Overalls, beard, and a pitchfork.

He noticed them and turned to talk to them. “Ah, hello. We’re here for the two job openings.” Said Luci, a little nervous. The old man studied the two. “Hmm….Will ya'll two work hard for what I offer?” he asked. They looked at each other. “Yes.” They said in unison.

“And will do as I say no matter what it is?” He looked at them hard as he spoke. They flinched. “Y-Yes sir!” They stood up straight. It was almost like talking to a general…Minis the overalls...

The old guy smiled and threw a pitchfork at them. Ed caught it before it hit Luci in the face. “Then ya'll can start right now.” The old man said. “W-What? Right now?” They said at the same time.

”You kids can call me ‘Boss’ ” He told them. Ed sighed as he looked at his sister. “Next time you come up to me and say ‘don’t worry it’ll be fun!~’ remind me to decline…” He complained. Luci looked at him with the pitchfork in his hand, and laughed.

He glared. “What are you laughing at?” He asked as he shoveled up the hey and put it in the horses pasture. Luci helped, somewhat…Okay, she watered the horses and sat down on the hay bail.

The next week…The old-I mean ‘Boss’ looked at them and asked them to go water the cows. So Luci and Ed took turns carrying the water bucket up and down the field.

“Of course, the water troth is on top of a hill….” Luci complained. “Oh! look who’s complaining now! Wait…Say, what happened to your ‘happy, happy!’ attitude?” He teased. She glared at him.
“And where did my lunch money go?.....OH YEAH! That’s right!~ you spent it on another book!” She yelled back.

Ed rolled his eyes. ”You can’t blame me if your lunch money got replaced by an awesome book.” She groaned. “...’Replaced’ he says...” She grumbled and poured the water in the water troth.

She looked over and saw a guy walking to them. He was about 5.9 feet tall, had spiky blonde hair and blue eyes. “Do you two work here?” He asked suspiciously. Luci got nervous. “Y-Yes. We both do, since last week. ” She said pointing at Ed and herself. “Oh, well my name is Eden.” He smiled at Luci.
“O-Oh, well I’m Luci and this is my brother Ed.” She introduced. Eden gave a fake smile towards her brother, and Ed just plain out glared. Even though Eden was ‘fake’ smiling, he still set out an evil aura to Ed, who returned it with the same amount of force.

Luci shrugged and turned around. “I’ll go get some more water...” She said, fleeing from the scene.

Eden’s aura said--- ‘Don’t get in my way’ 

Ed’s aura said ----‘Touch her and you die.’

Luci returned with the water and started to pour it in. Eden came up behind her and helped put the water in the troth. “This is heavy, I’ll help.” He smiled, only making Ed madder. “Hey, Luci, why don’t we go see if the boss needs us?” he said forcefully dragging her away from the 'Eden'. She glanced to her brother. “Ah, um, okay.” She said not sure whether to thank him or not…

As time goes by, Luci and Ed start coming to the ranch whether it was for work or for just being there. The ranch was so much more than home too them. So, months and then a year go by and their sales start to go down.

Ed was told about the sales and starts to look for Luci. Nothing really changed much in the past year. Besides the sales obviously.

“Now, I know that he’s my brother but sometimes I just want him to stop reading books and do some of the work around here!” She yelled at the cow that just gave her a blank stare. “Yeah, I know what you’re thinking…'just go and tell him that’ and I do! But he gives me the same answer-”

“I do as much as you do, Luci.” He said as he walked up behind her cutting her off.

Being scared half to death, she fell backwards off of the fence, and scared the cow away. ”Ow…” She complained and sat up.

Randomly, Eden was there and helped her stand up. Ed, at that moment, was sending out an evil glare. Eden gave him the same look. Luci looked at them. This also didn't change.

Ed snapped out of it and remembered why he came here in the first place. “Oh, well since we’re ALL here…” He glared at Eden. “ I have something to tell you guys…” Ed then explained what had happened with the sales.

“Oh man…” Luci said. "We’re 500$ in the hole!?” Eden exclaimed. “That’s what I just said…” Luci was thinking while they were arguing. “Hey, isn't there a county fair coming up soon?”

Both boys moved their attention to Luci. “Ah, Yeah, why?” She looked at them. “Well, I read a little about it and I think one of the prizes for one of the contests was 500$, but you two will have to work together….Please! For me and Boss!!” Ed and Eden looked at each other. “Well...If you say it that way…”

The next week was the county fair. It was all lit up with music in the air. It was like you were somewhere else, and not in the little town the twins grew up in. Ed, Luci, and Eden all met up.

”Alright lets go and find out which contest it is!” Luci said way to happily. Ed sighed, and Eden laughed. They split up and looked at all the different contests. Finally they found it. The talent contest.

They all looked at each other. “Ah, do you guys have any idea what to do…?” Ed and Eden looked at the confused girl.

“Well….” Ed started. “Luci, you could sing.” Luci looked at her brother. ”I’ll do it for you two and the ranch...” She said a little nervously.

They walked up to the talent contest table to enter. Luci got a paper that said ‘number 13’. She looked up at her brother. “Um … what song should I do?” She asked. They both wondered.

“What song do you feel comfortable with singing?” Ed asked. Luci sat there for a moment. “Well, I did write a song…That I could do….” She said.

“Then do that!” Eden said and smiled. “Ok, sounds good to me!” She smiled back. Ed just sighed and also smiled.

When it was time for Luci to get up on stage she was a little nervous. She walked up and asked the lead singer of the band that was playing for his gaiter. He agreed and she started to play.

Her song talked about the life she had and the life she has now with her brother and Eden. It also talked about the ranch and how she loved the place. The course of the song was ---“I still can’t believe that I’m here…at home.” That’s when the song ended and the whole fair went into a clapping sensation.

Luci bowed and went off the stage. Ed and Eden come up and hugged her because the song meant a lot to them. When they heard the winner their faces lit up. “And the winner is number 13! Luci!” Everyone clapped. Luci at that moment jumped on Ed and hugged him. “We did it!” She yelled. Ed shook his head. “No. You did it, Luci.” He smiled. The three of them went and claimed their prize. 500$.

At that moment they all ran to the ranch and knocked on the house’s front door. The boss opened it in surprise. “We did it!!!” Luci yelled as she tackled the old man. Ed and Eden both laughed at her.

“W-Whats got ya'll kids so excited..?” He asked. Luci then explained what had happened and handed him the money.

“So now we can stay, right?” She asked the boss. As he was handed the money, the older gentleman started to cry. “Of course you can.” He said as he hugged her. “You two-” He pointed. “Get over here.” He said. The two boys finally agreed on something and walked over, being dragged into the hug by their boss.

Because of Luci’s song, everyone in town now goes to the ranch. Even though some time has gone by... Nothing has changed. Ed and Eden were glaring at each other. Luci ends up doing all the work. The boss is still relaxing and laughing at them. The boss’s wife, Mrs. Jessie still makes the best cookies, and Luci is still working on saving up for a gaiter. Nothing has changed and I don’t think it ever will.

                                                                     THE END                         

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