Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Adventures of Ed and Luci: Episode Two

    Hello! Sorry for the late update! Here is episode two!~ Yay~ This is one of my favorite in the series, so I hope you enjoy! (-^.^-)/

                                                                What? An Alien?

 The 18 year old twins, Ed and Luci, were renting a small apartment on the outskirts of town, a little ways away from civilization. Which made them both quite bored, well, Luci anyway.

Luci was lying on her love seat upside down, her green eyes closed in annoyance and her long red hair flowed across the floor.

On the other side of their small living room, Ed sat neatly in the office chair next to his desk, swiping his dark bangs away from his bright blue eyes in order to read his book.

Ed could hear his sister whining on the other side of the room but kept ignoring her in an attempt to keep reading. Once the whines became louder and unbearable, he finally looked over to her with annoyance. “What..?” He had a feeling he was going to regret asking.

She pouted, still upside down while waving her arms in frustration. “I'm so bored! Why can't something fun just...fall from the sky or something!?” She sighed, her arms falling to the ground numbly.

Yup, he regretted it. “Why can't you just-” He was suddenly cut off by a very loud crash coming from their backyard. It made Luci flip off the love seat and land on her face. Ed would have probably laughed if he hadn't ran towards the window, practically throwing his book at his poor defenseless computer.

He looked to find a huge crater now in their wounded backyard with glowing, blueish and greenish smoke rising from the center. He stared. “, huh?” He really regretted asking now.

Luci got up to her feet and went over to stand next to him, looking over to try and see what it was, only to just see smoke. She blinked. “What is that..?”

He gave a slightly worried expression. “I have no idea.” He glanced to her, knowing what she would say next, which made him worry even more.

Her eyes lit up a little. “Ooo!~ Let's go check it out!” And with that she started dragging her worried brother with her out the door.

Ed knew she was going to say that. He just sighed.

Now at the edge of the crater, they tried to see what it was that made it in the first place, but the smoke still covered it up. Luci pouted.

The crater itself wasn't very big, just around 20 feet wide and 5 to 6 feet deep. Ed wondered if it was just a meteorite, but then how could it survive coming through the atmosphere? It didn't make much sense.

Then the smoke started to slip off and clear, making Ed wish he had never asked his innocent sister what she had wanted.

What was now in their sights...was a small cartoon-looking space ship, all beat and banged up from the crash landing.

They both blinked in disbelief. “Um...Ed?....Is that what I think it is..?” Ed couldn't even speak as he looked at the strange thing.

Then it suddenly popped open, smoke coming out of it, making Luci cling to her brother for dear life. Ed just blinked again, waiting to wake up and smell the roses in the vase next to his bed, wanting to get out of this strange dream.

And when they thought it couldn't get any stranger, a weird pile of lime green sludge, no bigger than the palm of your hand, came rolling out of it and stopped a few feet away from them.

Ed didn't know how he would die first. By the little green blob in front of him? Or by his sister squeezing him to death?

At any rate, he just stared at it and blinked when it seemed to stand up. You could now find that it had rounded off subs for arms and black dots for eyes and a mouth.

Ed wondered if this was some weird remake of Flubber and he would find cameras staring into his face soon, but he highly doubted it and found that he wasn't dreaming as the squishing pain still came from his sister.

This was reality.

He stared at it, but now it stared back. Luci shook in fear and looked at it. “E-E-E-Ed?....W-What is that? Please tell me I'm dreaming, or going nuts, or need mental help, or something!” She screeched as it looked to her.

Ed watched it. “Nope, this is reality little sister.” He was much calmer now that he found that it wasn't a part of his imagination, though Luci would have probably preferred it that way.

Ed bent down and tilted his head, the little one followed and copied the movement. Luci finally stopped shaking but still hid behind Ed, watching intently.

Ed gave a small smile. He couldn't help but think the little guy was cute. “Do you...understand me be chance?”

The green blob nodded. Ed and Luci blinked in surprise. “Oh, well, what did you came to earth for? You..ah..come in peace?” He felt really awkward saying that seriously. Luci was trying to hold in her laughter and was failing miserably. Ed glared at her.

The green blob melted back into a puddle and the two started freaking out.

“Ed ! You totally scared the little guy!”

“Says the girl that's still hiding behind me!”

“Hey! At least he likes me!”

“What?! How do you know that!?”

“I just do!”

“...So you two are part of this planet's ruling living organism? I hope your species won't become existent, you're quite entertaining.” The sudden voice was almost nerdy and slightly high pitched.

The two stopped altogether and looked over to him in unison. He suddenly had bulky glasses and a clipboard, and he looked amused.

Ed blinked again. “What the...Where did you get those?” He pointed to his glasses and board. The little blob seemed to have laughed, but it sounded more like a weird giggle... “When I change my temperament to be able to speak the same language as you tongued creatures of this planet, this is what became of me.”

Luci's eyes swirled in confusion and she had no idea what he had just told them. Ed, on the other hand, nodded. “So you pretty much change in order to speak the same language as us?”

It nodded. “Precisely.“

Luci was still totally lost and had no idea what was going on in her normally boring life. Ed was talking to the green blob while Luci stayed behind them mumbling something along the lines of 'when I said fun this isn't what I meant' and 'I won't ever say that again for the rest of my life'. Blah,blah,blah.

“So what's your name then? Mine's Ed and that's my twin sister Luci.” He greeted with his hand out, not really caring that it was an alien in front of him, and you know, not a person.

He seemed to have smiled and shook his hand. “Sal. You may call me Sal.” Ed nodded and withdrew his hand kindly, noticing that it was dry and not slimy like their new friend looks.

“So, Sal, What brings you here? You don't seem like you want to eat us or anything.”

Sal raised a brow he did not seem to have. “I just crash landed here on accident and will need repairs. Eat you? Where on this Earth you live on did you get that kind of idea? That's just irrational.”

Ed nodded and chuckled nervously. “Human minds are a strange place...” He thought of how many movies have that scenario but shook his head. “Anyway, you need repairs? I should be able to fix it, we can take it to the garage.”

Sal nodded and started walking towards the ship with Ed. He looked back at the earthling's twin sister. “Is your twin lacking intelligence..?” Ed looked back at his sister only to see her sitting on the ground with her hands on her head and her eyes still swirling. “Yeah...well, maybe?”

                                                                  So Then~(-' v '-)/

After putting the ship in the garage, Ed and Sal moved Luci to the living room and calmed her down to where she understood that she wasn't crazy and that they do speak the same language.

As Ed thought, the ship was a lot like his computer and was able to fix it with little trouble.

And in just a few hours, the ship was fixed.

“Thank you very much for your cooperation with repairs, Ed.” Sal put out his hand, seeming to copy Ed's earlier actions.

Ed smiled and shook it. “You're welcome, If you're ever in the galaxy, come on bye anytime.” Luci nodded. “Yeah! Come on by sometime!”

Sal nodded and handed Ed and Luci necklaces with some type of rock on the end. They looked at him slightly confused as he jumped into the now repaired ship.

“A token from my planet. They mean 'we will meet again'. They're made of small stars. Take care of them!” Ed and Luci nodded. “We will!” They called as the ship closed and few out of their atmosphere.

                                                         The Next Morning~(-^.^-)/

Luci woke up and started freaking out about her 'strange dream' she had had the night before, explaining it in full detail while running around the house for no reason, which is how Ed was woken up.

When she had finally reached his room, she had come to the end of her story. “And then, he gave us these weird star necklaces that mean that we will meet him again!” She started to huff as Ed finally sat up, his hair in a total mess and he looked very annoyed at all the noise she was making.

“Isn't that the weirdest dream ever?!” She continued, but then she saw one of those spoken necklaces on his table. She started to stare at it and Ed sighed.

“Luci.....Love ya sis, and I hate to brake it to you but..” She looked at him and he looked her in the eye.

“That wasn't a dream and it really happened.”

Silence followed for a few solid moments....


                                                                   THE END    


  1. Awesome! I really enjoyed reading this one!


    1. Haha, thank you! This one is one of my favorites. xD
