Thursday, January 22, 2015

Faith Like A Tree Nut's Shell

You see, I have this habit.

It's not a bad habit. I just tend to do it, often without me even realizing.

I have a tendency to let my mind wonder on things most people wouldn't even think twice about. One of these many thoughts became a Tree Nut. I'm not even sure how the seed came into mind during the evening hours of the night, but it did, and when I had collected my final thoughts, I needed to share them.

The first thing that came to mind when thinking about the Tree Nut was that even though it wasn't even an inch in length, it could fall from tall heights without even gaining a scratch. If we people were the same size, and fell from that same height, we wouldn't survive. And even then, if we were our normal size, falling from more than a couple of feet, we would still most likely get a scratch or two. I began to think how strong God made such a small Nut.

But then I thought "The Nut has a shield."

That was about the time I started thinking that the Tree Nut's shell was a lot like our faith. Instead of having a sold shield around us. We have our trust with the Holy Spirit. He protects us from the Flesh of the world and helps us to stand after we trip or fall in our faith.

So I've decided that I want to have faith that is as strong as a Tree Nut's shell.


  1. Awesome post! This is so encouraging, especially to me.
    Thanks so much for posting this!


    1. You're very welcome! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!~ (-^.^-)
