Sunday, January 11, 2015

Story Time With Gezusgeek

I decided that I needed to post, and considering the fact that I am short on discussion topics, a story has been chosen for your entertainment. Aren't cha glad you don't have to read another one of my random rambles?

Well, at any rate, it's Story Time! This was written for my Latin class. Hope you enjoy!

In the large nation of Grathina, a son was born to the king and queen. Though the queen was overly happy with the birth of a son after having so many daughters, the king did not wish for a new heir. As a result, when the prince was a toddler and could be separated from it's mother, the king ordered the child to be cast out into the woods.

The lost child wondered until he was found and adopted by local farmers. They raised him as there own, knowing that he was the lost child of the kingdom, they hid him from the people of the palace. Though they changed his last name to match their own, they kept the first and middle names that the queen had given him. His hard working father called him Lyon, which is the name he goes by, but his mother called him Leo, his first name, because she found it to fit his character more.

As Lyon grew, he helped his father as much as he could, but seemed to be closest to his mother. When he was only ten years old, his mother died of an illness. When he became the age of sixteen, his father told him of his true family. Lyon was more surprised than angry that his father would keep such a thing from him, but he understood why at the same time.

“So my real father was trying to kill me? Because I'm the only heir to the throne?” Asked Lyon to the farmer. His adoptive father nodded. “I have a few friends who work in the palace. Turns out that our king told your birth mother that you had sneaked out and were found dead in the woods. Seemed he wanted you out of the picture.” Lyon thought it over and looked to his father figure, a determined look on his face.

“I'm going to train and become strong so that I can overthrow my father and stop the madness he's been spreading. This kingdom has been though enough over the years.” The farmer was proud of the son he had raised, knowing that the throne and the kingdom would be good in his hands.

So after a tearful goodbye, Lyon was off on his journey to become strong. Many tasks came to Lyon on his travels. He helped many on his way to manhood. He was pretty strong already from all the farmers work he helped his father with, but had no experience with any kind of weapon other than a plow. That wouldn't do. So after resting in a small town, he started asking around for a master swordsman. His search came to an end when he met a woman in the market. She happened to be the wife of a swordsmen and said he wouldn't be so easy to persuade.

So as a test, she told him that at the top of the Kaze mountain, which wasn't far from the village, a great fire bird lived. The bird's eggs were rare and delicious. So if he could retrieve one from it's nest, she would convince her husband to give him some pointers.

Lyon complained as he climbed the mountain, something along the lines of “Why did I agree to this?” But no one was really listening. Looking up, the nest came into view. It was really big. Thankfully, the monster wasn't home at the moment, so Lyon quickly climbed into the nest to see a dozen large red eggs. As if on cue, when he had touched one, the fire bird came after him. Lyon barely dodged the dragon sized creature by rolling over to the edge of the nest. The flamed beast crashed into it's eggs and Lyon wondered if the force would had smashed them. When the bird stood, the eggs were unharmed, but the nest took a large amount of damage. A plan was forming in the lad's head as the fire bird rose with it's wings into the air. This was his chance. Lyon dove underneath the bird and grabbed one of it's eggs. He was surprised by how light it was, but the thought was quickly set aside as the phoenix came at him with full force and head first. Taking the chance, Lyon stood his ground and held out the egg as if it were a shield. The bird tried to pull back, not wanting to hurt it's young but it was to late. The bird crashed it's head into the egg, but the egg did not crack, it's shell proving to be harder than most metals. The fire bird had knocked itself out, thus giving Lyon the chance to take the egg and run for it.

After giving the egg to the woman, she led him to their little home. It reminded him of his own home that he had left behind. The swordsman turned out to be the blacksmith of the village and was making a sword as the two came in. He was an order man that looked rough around the edges. His wife explained what the lad had done for her and that he came to ask about swordsmanship. The man turned to Lyon, looking him over. “Come, sit down and tell me about how you retrieved the egg.” Lyon followed the man orders by sitting down and explaining what had happened.

“I see.” Said the swordsman. “I'm not the master for you kid, but know that you have plenty of potential. Just not for swordsmanship.”

Lyon gave a confused expression. “How will I know what to take up? Or who my master should be?” The man smiled. “Rely on your instincts as you did with the fire bird, and you will know what you need to do. For now, stay and have some of me wife's cooking. You provided the meal after all.”

Lyon nodded as a thought came to him. “What about the egg's shell? How will she brake it?” The older man laughed. “Never underestimate a woman my boy! Ha ha ha!”

So Lyon did stay for dinner, finding the older couple to be fine company. Being persuaded to stay the night, Lyon left in the morning. On his way he helped a merchant deliver some goods, in return, the man told him a shortcut to the next town. It was through the forest. With thanks, he followed the merchant’s advice by taking the path. The forest was bright at first, but the deeper he walked into it, the darker it got. Becoming nervous, he started talking to his mother, who would not answer, but it made him feel better. Lyon hated places such at these. He gained the feeling that a hungry-eyed animal would come out and try to attack him.

Just as he thought that, something did come out to attack him. But it was no animal. Lyon landed on the ground from the surprise, in the process he might have let out a shriek, but he wouldn't admit it. He was a man after all. Well, he thought so anyway.

Instead of an animal, a beautiful girl stood over him, pointing her spear at his throat. She had an angry glare set on him as her dark green eyes contacted with his bright blue ones. Her long brown hair was braided, almost reaching her knees. She wore some armor, and for a moment he feared that she was from the palace, but there was no symbol. So he wondered why she was here.

“What do you think you're doing on my family's property, peasant?” His jaw dropped. “I'm not the one who lives in the woods!” Okay, So maybe that wasn't the best thing to say to a woman with a weapon at his throat.

Her expression soured, more offended by the remark rather than angry. “So it has come to that, but my family had owned this land, thus I shall protect it.” He raised a brow to the girl. “I thought this forest was owned by the kingdom?” She glanced away, seemingly upset by the comment.

“That's right.” She took her spear away from his form, allowing him to sit up. She actually sat next to him. “That monster of a king is to blame. He tore my family away from me and thus my land with it. My poor kingdom was small, but plentiful.” He blinked, interrupting her. “Your kingdom? What are you? A princess?”

He laughed, but stopped when she gave him a serious look. “Yes, I am. Do you have a problem with that?” He shook his head, not wanting to make her angry. She sighed. “That evil man must have saw the resources we had and wanted it her himself. That selfish excuse for a ruler should be dethroned.”

Lyon glanced to her, she seemed rather angry, but he knew it was towards his father and not towards himself. That's about the time it hit him. He turned to her. “What if I said that I could make that happen?” She raised a brow, not understanding what a mere boy could do. “How is that?” She wasn't going to lie. She was curious.

“You may not believe me, but I'm actually the Prince. You see I need to stop all of the madness- Hey! Where are you going?” She didn't turn back as she started to walk away. “You're crazy! The king doesn't have any sons!” He rolled his eyes. “Just hear me out alright!?” She stopped, looking back at him, staring him down. There was a determination in his eyes that she recognized. It reminded her of herself.

She sighed, walking back over to him. “Fine I'll listen, but I still don't believe you.” He smiled. “You don't have to. I just want to stop all of the suffering he's caused. Once he see's me, he'll know who I am, and most likely try everything in his power to get rid of me like he did when I was a child.”

She glanced to him. “And what does this have to do with dethroning him?”

He smirked, glad that he liked reading so many books. “There's a law. A law that stats if the king is challenged to a duel by the next heir, and loses, the heir may become king before the appointed time. So if I challenge him and win, I'll be able to become king and restore balance to the other kingdoms.”

“What does this have to do with me? What will I get out of it?” She raised a brow at his confident look. “You, will teach me the way of the spear, and with those skills I will become king, and when I do, I will make it my first duty to restore your kingdom. Deal?”

He put out his hand, and after staring at it a few minutes, she shook it. “Deal.”

He smiled to her as he let go of her hand. “I'm Lyon, by the way.” She smiled back. “You can call me master.” She started to walk off, expecting him to follow.

Lyon pouted slightly, running after her. “Come on, gave me your real name, I promise to still call you master!” She laughed. “Fine, fine. My name is Shenah.” He nodded, finding the name to suit her.

“Alright maggot, let's begin training.” He blinked. “What...Right now?!”

So the two started training, their own goals set out before them. As time went by, the two even became close friends. But even as deeper feelings started to grow, they had a mission to complete and both agreed that their feelings for one another would be put aside until after it was done with.

Months have gone by since that day and Lyon had learned everything from his master. They even went and visited the old swordsman and his wife, requesting that he would make a spear for Lyon. The older man was glad to hear that he had found what he needed to do.

Now Lyon had become a master himself. Though his training was hard to deal with, and his master even harder, he had become a student to be proud of. With both being confident in his skills, the two headed towards the Grand Palace of Grathina.

It was time for the king's rule to end.

The two thought that style was important, so they barged right into the throne room, easily defeating any guards that tried to get in their way. Once the king was in sight, he challenged him then and there. His father looked down into the boy's eyes and knew that he was the same little boy he had left in the woods to die.

The kings face filled with fear as the supposed dead boy was now standing before him with an angry gaze. “Y-Y-You're supposed to b-be dead! I-I-I killed you! Left you out to die!” The remaining people that were left in the room gasped at the truth, the queen, who was sitting next to her husband, cried at the sight of her long lost child.

“Do you except my challenge or not old man?” Lyon smirked at the angry expression his father was wearing. “O-Of course I do!” The king knew that this would be the only way to kill the boy fair and square. If he didn't except, the consequences would be drastic for him.

So they moved to the dueling court and the king was given his sword. A sword was offered to Lyon, but he assured the man that his own weapon would be fine. Then they took their stances. Lyon was calm and collected, taking in breathes to help him concentrate. His father on the other hand, had a poor stance, holding the sword with both hands, trying to keep himself from shacking. From anger and fear.

There was quite a crowd gathered to see if their selfish king would finally be put to rest. The fact that the only son of the king had come to claim his rightful place on the throne had gathered a large crowd. They were chanting Lyon's name, his first name anyways, shouting it as load as they could. Seems everyone has had enough of the selfishness of the king. This only made the king angrier.

Then the horn sounded, telling the two to start. They both sprinted towards one another, and with one precise movement, Lyon easily dodged his father's lousy rage swing and took his spear to his father's neck. With the blade only centimeters away from his skin, the king fearfully surrendered.

The crown went wild and Shenah was the first to give the new heir a hug for his victory. Lyon took the chance and hugged her back. Then he looked over her shoulder, he saw the look of evil itself come on his father's face as he came rushing towards them with his sword. By instinct, Lyon twisted his body out of the way, using the rounded end his spear to push his father behind him. But there was a ledge there and the king was flipped off of it from the force. Lyon was holding onto Shenah with his other arm and couldn't reach out to him. They heard his screams until they faded away. The drop was high and he wouldn't had survived.

So though there was a slight sadness, the evil man's fire needed to be put out anyways. In that very evening, Lyon was crowned king over Grathina. A few weeks later, he married Shenah and together they helped restore her kingdom, as promised. Though the land was still owned by Grathina, Shenah was in charge of returning it to it's former glory. So everyone lived happily ever after.

                                                                         THE END

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