Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Liebstar Awards!

Yay!~ I'm not even gong to say how much I fail at posting, because we all know that I do. Anyway, Gingerlion nominated me for the Liedster Awards! So thank you for that Gingerlion's Photographs. :D Now I get to answer questions and bore you with the very important rules! Ahem.

Liebster Award Rules:
Acknowledge the blog that nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition. But I will not make you if you don't want to.
Post 11 questions for them to answer.
Notify them that they've been nominated. 

~The Awarded~

Decypleshark  ~   Liz  ~  JesusChick ~ Frogger365 ~ Sparkplug ~ Max Tron     

 So it's not eleven but that's okay. Now to the questions!

Star Wars or Star Trek?
Don't make me pick! I like both.
Bleak House or Our Mutual Friend?
Donno, haven't watched ether of them.
Draw or Paint?
Draw! But I like to paint too.
Model Trains or Model Planes?
Both are interesting, but I've built a train model before, so trains win this rounds. 
Smoothie or Mocha?
MOCHA! That's what I'm drinking right now too. xD
Cream and Sugar, or Black?
Add cream and sugar to my caffeine? YES!
 Photography or Cinematography?
Award or Be Awarded?
I think both are honorable.
Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up, like NOW!)
From what I've seen of both, I personally like Peter better than Smith. 
Smart Phone or Flip Phone?
Depends on what I'm using it for.
Tea or Coffee?
Caffei- I mean COFFEE!

Now for my questions!

Disney or Pixar?

How would you respond if you woke up in Wonderland?

Team Cat or Team Dog?

What's your favorite way to pass time?

Gmail or Yahoo?

Have you ever climbed a tree to the very top?

Red or Blue?

Bowling or Skating?

Who is your favorite Disney character?

What would you do if that favorite Disney character came to life?

Chocolate bar or Lollipop? 



  1. Disney or Pixar?
    How would you respond if you woke up in Wonderland?
    I'd be WONDERING ;D where the heck I was!
    Team Cat or Team Dog?
    Team Gecko. Duh.
    What's your favorite way to pass time?

    Gmail or Yahoo?
    Have you ever climbed a tree to the very top?
    Yeah, then the tree fell over and I broke my arms, ending my drawing carreer. xP
    Red or Blue?
    Bowling or Skating?
    Biking, man.
    Who is your favorite Disney character?
    Ummmmmmm...Long John Silver from Treasure Planet.
    What would you do if that favorite Disney character came to life?
    We'd go on jolly Space Pirate raid and the give all the gold to the poor, and then go surf around on these cool flying surfboards.
    Chocolate bar or Lollipop?
    Chocolate Bar!
    I didn't feel like doing all the requirements xD So I just decided to answer the questions, its the fun part!
